August 30, 2018

This week Mexico, Next week California!

Amigos... I can't believe it is my last week in the CCM! I leave on the 5th, this upcoming Wednesday, for California! I'm so excited!!!!! Is my Spanish perfect? Not at all, BUT I'm super ready for the challenge and to just start working!
This week has been good but a little challenging at times (but really that's how every week is haha). We learned the present and past subjunctive this week. And although I remember learning it in high school (gracias a sra austin😊), it's just so hard to apply haha and it's supper common so I probably should get on that.
Estoy agradacida por la oportunidad para servir un misión. Te doy gracias a Dios porque Él siempre ayúdame en todas las cosas.
I'm gonna miss it here and all my friends I have made but we're all going to do the Lord's work so I can't be too upset (:
I appreciate all your thoughts and prayers! 
Pictures of me and my companion with some of our Latino friends and with the nice worker from the cafeteria! I love all the people here!!!!

August 23, 2018

A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words

I'm at a loss of words for this week haha. It has basically just been a ton of studying and teaching lol. And I've been slacking on sending pictures so I included a few here. 
I leave the CCM on the 5th of September. Which is only like a week and a half away at this point! Then it'll be back to the US, to good old California. I can't wait!!!!! I definitely not ready as far as spanish goes but I'm ready to get out there and start working! 
I don't know what order the pictures are gonna show up but one of them is a selfie of me and my cousin, Will! So excited that we overlapped while here in the CCM. It is so fun getting to see him! 
One picture is a selfie of me in front of the temple! Such a beautiful place! And the last picture is my district, which just means the group of missionaries I have all my classes with, and the guy taking it is one of the latinos in the district whose classroom is next to ours. 
I love learning about the gospel and I can't wait to start getting to know the people of Fresno! I love getting emails from you guys!!! You all are the best! If anyone has any questions about what I'm doing or what I'm teaching email me! 
With love, 
Hermana Brown

Dad is adding these in addition to the ones from the letter...

August 16, 2018

Week 4 in the CCM

Something is going around at the CCM haha. It's getting to the point where people who have gotten the virus have to stay in their casa for three days and eat at a separate section of the comedor and they're basically secluded haha. We aren't allowed to shake hands anymore to prevent the spread of germs. I don't think I've gotten it yet so I am very grateful!!! 
This week our maestro challenged us to speak only español for 4 days. So from Tuesday till tomorrow I will have only spoken Spanish from the minute I wake up till I go to sleep at night. It has been rough. Not really hard but frustrating when you want to tell a story or express thoughts that you don't have the vocab or grammar for yet. Haha. It is helping though! 
Tuesday night is always pizza night. Before arriving, I always heard it was Costco pizza which I was so excited for but every week it has been this mediocre kinda not that hot pizza from what I'm assuming is some local pizza place. But this week we got Costco pizza!!!!!!!! Tender mercies y'all. 

I want to share a thought with you all. In english and then in Spanish for my latino friends. 

There is a chapter of scripture in the book of Mormon, in Alma, that I want to share. It is about a man, Ammon, who is praising the Lord and expressing his appreciation for his sacrifice. It is in the 26th chapter and it says, 
"13 Behold, how many thousands of our brethren has he loosed from the pains of hell; and they are brought to sing redeeming love, and this because of the power of his word which is in us, therefore have we not great reason to rejoice?
16 Therefore, let us glory, yea, we will glory in the Lord; yea, we will rejoice, for our joy is full; yea, we will praise our God forever. Behold, who can glory too much in the Lord? Yea, who can say too much of his great power, and of his mercy, and of his long-suffering towards the children of men? Behold, I say unto you, I cannot say the smallest part which I feel."
These two verses teach us that through Jesus Christ we can overcome tribulation in this life. I know that Christ died so we could live again and through his atonement we can be forgiven for our sins. I don't think we will ever be able to truly understand all that Christ has done for us in this life, but as we grow closer to Christ through repentance, we can feel his love and that is something to rejoice about! In serving a mission, I have the priveledge of sharing my love of Jesus Christ with others and help them grow closer to Christ. I challenge you all to grow closer to Christ this week by praying to God, going to church, reading the scriptures (book of Mormon 10/10 would reccomend Alma Chapter 7 or 3 Nephi chapter 9. And many more haha), going on or, or anything that brings you closer to our savior. My joy is full because of Him, and I hope you all can feel it too! If not, He is always there waiting for you to reach out, waiting to shower you with his love and blessings. 

Hay una capítulo de escritura en el libro de mormón, en Alma, que quiero compartir. Este es sobre un hombre, Ammon, quien es elogiando nuestro salvador y expresando su apreciación por el sacrificio de Él. Este es en capítulo 26 y dice, 
"13 He aquí, a cuántos miles de nuestros hermanos ha librado él de los tormentos del infierno, y se sienten movidos a cantar del amor redentor; y esto por el poder de su palabra que está en nosotros; por consiguiente, ¿no tenemos mucha razón para regocijarnos?
16 Por lo tanto, gloriémonos; sí, nos gloriaremos en el Señor; sí, nos regocijaremos porque es completo nuestro gozo; sí, alabaremos a nuestro Dios para siempre. He aquí, ¿quién puede gloriarse demasiado en el Señor? Sí, ¿y quién podrá decir demasiado de su gran poder, y de su misericordia y de su longanimidad para con los hijos de los hombres? He aquí, os digo que no puedo expresar ni la más mínima parte de lo que siento."
Estos dos versículos nos enseñan que por medio de Jesucristo, podemos superar tribulación en esta vida. Sé que Cristo murió para nosotros y por Jesucristo, podemos vivir un otro vez. Mediante la expiación de Jesucristo, podemos ser perdónados de nuestros pecados. No creo que entenderemos exactamente todas las cosas que Cristo ha hecho para nosotros, pero cuando crecemos más cerca de Dios mediante arrepentirnos, podemos sentir el amor de Dios. Y este es una cosa a regocijamos sobre! En serviendo un misión, tengo la oportunidad a compartir mi amor para Jesucristo con otro personas, y ayudarles creces más cerca con Dios. Este es mi objetivo. Tengo una desafío para ustedes. Esta desafío es a crecer más cerca de Cristo por orar a Dios, asistir a la Iglesia, leer las escrituras, buscar a o, o cada cosa que le trae a usted más cerca de nuestro salvador. Mi gozo es llena gracias a Él. Y espero que ustedes pueden sentir este también! Si no, Él esta aquí siempre, esperando para usted. Quiere darle a usted su amor y bendiciones.


August 10, 2018

Mexico: Halfway through my time in the CCM

This week at the CCM was jam packed. There's always so much to do haha and never enough time to do it all. Which is probably good, but it's hard to keep up!! 
Mission life is hard, but doable with God's help!!! I'm learning so much about how to trust in my Lord and Savior and how the gospel of Jesus Christ has blessed my life and can bless everyone's life. We had a devotional this past Tuesday about the atonement of Jesus Christ that was absolutely amazing. Guys please please please look up this video. I feel the spirit so much every time I watch it. Its so sweet and also gets me hype haha. On YouTube search "because of him lds" and find the one from the channel or or something similar to that haha. Sorry I don't have the link!!! Para mis Amigas latina busque "gracias a Él" de lds. Este video es muy bonita. 
Y'all lemme tell you I'm loving this food. Pictured below is me eating a popsicle that was delish. Think of a creamsicle but pineapple and coconut instead of orange. Also pictured in the background is our casa and the mountain with the B is because the CCM used to be a school and the name of the school started with a B. It reminds me of the mountains in Utah haha. 
Also my Latino amigos are leaving on Monday morning and I'm so sad about it. I can't remember how much I said about them last time but we've grown so so close despite my horrible Spanish haha. they're so kind and patient. Honestly some of the most Christ like people. It really goes to show that even if I can't speak the language perfectly, I can still connect with people through the spirit and a big old smile haha. 

Yo sé que Jesucristo es nuestro salvador y cuando oramos a Dios, el Espíritu Santo puedo Ayúdanos sentir la paz y amor de el evangelio. Dios nos ama y mediante fe en Jesucristo, arripentieminto, bautismo, el don del espíritu Santo, y persevera hasta el fin, podemos vivir con Dios el otra vez después morimos. 

I love you guys!!!!!!!!

August 2, 2018

Mexico: Estoy en Mexico!

Where do I even start?! I've been in the MTC missionary training center (CCM in espanol ) for 10 days now and it's seriously so great. We're in the middle of the city so we hear a lot haha. Many nights there are fireworks! And sometimes during the day too, but in not convinced that they're fireworks if you know what I mean;) . Also apparently they fire a cannon before it's about to rain because they used to believe that it would scare away the rain. Basically there's just a lot of noises from the city lol. Our days are long but great. Wake up 6:30 breakfast by 7:30 gospel and teaching classes (an Espanol siempre) and language classes. We have time for meals, and an hour each day to exercise, and study time to prepare lessons for people we are teaching. Again, in Spanish. Y'all they don't play around here. This first week we have been allowed to teach in Spanglish but starting tomorrow. No more english. We are done with classes at 9, lights out at 10:30pm.
I'm trying to keep this short and sweet but there's so much to say!
In the CCM (central ciudad de mexico I think I can't remember and i don't have time to check) all the workers and teachers are Latino. They are AMAZING. Our district (our group of missionaries) has two teachers one for the morning and one for the afternoon/night. They are both very different in personality (one is more gentle and the other is way more intense) but they are both so loving and really care about helping us gringos hahaha.
My companion and I (hermana moore) made a bunch of Latino friends. There is this group of hermanas that are just the absolute BEST. Sometimes in the beginning our our friendship it was a little awkward not being able to communicate super well and sometimes all I could do was give them a huge grin and wave or something but they're so loving, patient, and always ready to help. We are teaching them english while they help us with spanish;).
Everyone has to prepare talks for Sunday (5 minutes) in Spanish. You don't know if you're speaking till literally during the meeting. Haha it's crazy so you always have to be prepared. Of course I was called up first Sunday. But it actually went really well!
I want everyone to know how much I love Y'all! My time is basically done and so I have to go.

that's a wrap friends

As you all know, I will be coming home THIS WEEK!!!! Before I get too far into my thoughts from last week I just wanted to invite all of yo...